It was`nt a one night stand!

Dedicated to my Dearest sister Anglena who has changed the course of my life completely. Thank you Behna. God give you all the happiness in life and everything you ever wish for!

A sad and peaceless night it was!
My R-U-I-N-E-D life being its cause!

I roamed about helplessly in the cyber world!
And I met Anglena in the artificial world!

Hopeless for me was that night!
Giving me hope she craved her way in to my heart!

Such purity in love never before was I lended!
With her every word the cracks of my heart she mended!

Conserved was she, in her feelings, in her identity !
Open insupport giving me hope till infinity !

Thoughts of an Angel, Heart of an Angel,surely an Angel!
My Anglena, My Sister you are no less beautiful then an Angel!

I stand high, brought by you hand in hand up this hill !
Only wish do I have before death, yours brothers vacant place could i fill!

Oh Anglena,My Sister Oh My Dear!
I miss u every second, my heart is full of fear!

When you are sad, By God i go completely Mad!
Please never be unhappy, have mercy on my soul, me poor lad!

Your Goodness, Your Greatness isnt the capability of words to express!
Your atitude, your love, your care,By God you impress!

It was'nt a one night stand I dare to say!
May I always have yours words, your love your soul I desperately pray!