
Dedicated to Zanny and Mehru and all sincere people out there. My message to all the humans to be sincere and honest to everyone even to your enemies.

Sometimes I say things,
that I know deep inside my heart,
that if said aloud,
will hurt a lot.

Because even when,
the very thought occurs,
in my mind,
A blow is struck to my heart,
the impact being so great, that...
that I sccuumb to the emotional pressure
inflicted by it.

You can see it in my eyes,
not only they look hurt,
they glisten and glitter
with Tears.

Some of them escape the bonds of my eyes,
roll down and mix with dirt.

But I still tell you,
I pour my heart out.
I reveal what I think,
I don't know how...
how to justify this move.
But I know one thing,
For sure,

I don't do this to hurt you,
I tell you because by not doing so,
I think I would be,
