This Life Full of Rage.

Goes for Nads n Afreen Apee n Hira. May u all have Peace n Love in life. God Bless!

When death surmounts life..,
When eyes lack love and..,
are filled with aversion..,
When expectations lead you nowhere..,
Sheilding against Loath..,
I go on living!

When intentions are evil..,
When emotions dwell in the dusk only..,
When the fierce walls of hell encircle you..,
Hoping against hope...,
I go on living!

When you cry but eyes rain no tears..,
When your smile can`t hide your agony..,
When your screams are heard no more..,
Combatting against life...,
I go on living!

When your wait for the curtains of heaven to fall open, Ends...,
When your mortality is lost somehow...,
When anger exceeds affection...,
When your soul exists no more...,
I go on living!

This Intense life...,
Full of Rage!