Uneditable Destiny.

To God Almighty.

Never has anyone changed its decisions,
Never has anyone escaped its decisions,
Never has anyone stood against its decisions.
Me a helpless human, Under your mercy
Oh my Uneditable Destiny
Ask my dear God....
Why did HE create a human??
If it was to to be

Why was there u?..Oh Destiny!
Why was created a puppet having a skeleton,
Flesh and Skin but No Choice?
Had that been the decision of Almighty God!
Ask for me my Uneditable Destiny....,

Why did HE create a human`s Mind...?
Having the capability to think of someone!
Having the wish to choose someone!
Having the will to win someone!
Had that been the decision of Dear God!

Why did HE create a human`s Heart?
Having Love to give someone!
Having Emotions to show someone!
Having Desire to care for someone!

Ask for me Oh Destiny!
Why did HE give me eyes!
Eyes that look around for someone!
Eyes that stay awake for someone!
Eyes that shed tears for someone!

Uneditable Destiny Ask My God!
Why did he give me Dreams?
Dreams that don`t Die like humans!
Dreams that are so beautiful as flowers!
Dreams that are shattered as glass!

God made for me you,
Oh Destiny.....,
Without blanks to fill,
HE made you Uneditable,

Acceptance of your decisions for me being Inevitable,
I accept all you have for me!
Everyone does, I`ve done too!
You`ve always altered human..,
No one`s ever changed you...,

Ask my God, Your Creator too..,
To Block my Mind from thinking!
To Stop my Heart from wishing!
To Blind my eyes from seeing!
To End my dream`s immortality!